Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Flop House Movie Minute #18 - Misfit Toys

Christmas specials under the microscope.

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The music you hear in this episode is Hark the Herald Angels sing, as performed by Doug Hammer on the album Noel, courtesy of Feels Like Christmas, which provides free Christmas music for personal and nonprofit use.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Flop House Episode Twenty-Eight is ONLINE!

How can a movie centered around a lisping, fright-wigged Dustin Hoffman possibly go wrong? Anything's possible in Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium! Meanwhile, Dan busts out another one of his 101 voices, Stuart uncovers the lost, obscene Mark Knopfler album, and Elliott reveals the rampant incompetence of medical droids.

0:00 - 0:34 - Introduction and theme.
0:35 - 5:04 - We spend the first five minutes talking about a movie about toys that WASN'T the one we watched, released more than a decade ago.
5:05 - 11:14 - We make a brief feint at discussing Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, but quickly get sidetracked by talk of Willy Wonka and old-time character actors.
11:15 - 35:41 - We finally manage to focus on the topic at hand, the horrifying tale of a sentient toy store and its insane inhabitants. What's that? It's a kids' film? ...You sure?
35:42 - 40:05 - Final judgments.
40:06 - 44:10 - Copyright infringement, listener mail, and discussion of nude Lea Thompson.
46:35 - 54:38 - The sad bastards recommend.
54:39 - 58:30 - Goodbyes, outtakes, and theme.

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**CORRECTION: As perhaps the whitest man alive, Elliott can be forgiven for not knowing that In Living Color aired on Fox, and not on MTV, as he stated in this episode.

Wikipedia synopsis of Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

Saturday, December 06, 2008

The Flop House Movie Minute #17 - Twisted Trailers 2: Two Shades of Blue

More trailers for the biggest winter releases.

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Thursday, December 04, 2008

Once You Go Bat

Hey, my friend Frank Lesser directed and co-wrote (with one of his Colbert Report writer brethren, Mike Brumm) this comedic short. It stars Ben Rodgers and the lovely Sue Galloway who I was privileged to do a few shows with, back in the day (nowadays you might recognize her as the "girl writer" in the background of all the 30 Rock writers' room scenes).

Frank let me see the rough cut of this ahead of time, and it was fun seeing it come together from the earlier versions to this final one. Anyway, enjoy:

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Is it Just Me?

Or is Donald Trump about to finger that steak?

"Yeah, you like that, Steak? You like that? Yeah you do. When Trump finger-bangs a steak, it gets fingered reeeeal classy."

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Flop House Episode #27 is ONLINE!

It's the 27th episode, and we're discussing 27 Dresses. Coincidence? Yes. We're neither that clever nor that well-planned. But enjoy as our chick flick discussion leads us to make several lazy jokes based on gender stereotypes that we don't believe, because we are also hacks. Meanwhile, Stuart does his Josh Brolin impression, Elliott gives a fun fact about Japanese brides, and an innocent remark by Dan turns into a horrifying sexual come-on.

0:00 - 0:32 - Introduction and theme.
0:33 - 2:15 - Facial hair is much discussed.
2:16 - 32:22 - We talk about the Katherine Heigel rom-com 27 Dresses, and show our affinity for the material by staying on-topic almost never. Also: boobs.
32:23 - 36:30 - Final judgments, in which 27 Dresses manages to SHATTER the Flop House categories.
36:31 - 46:17 - The sad bastards recommend. Plus, we learn another famous person Elliott has had tangential interactions with. And also: even more boobs.
46:18 - 48:46 - November-December is Flop House listener pledge drive season - but you don't have to pay us in cash-- just recruit new listeners.
48:47 - 51:30 - We write the great lost sex comedy, "Lustache."
51:31 - 52:55 - Goodbyes, theme, outtakes, and a whole heck of a lot more boobs.

Press the play button above to listen to this episode
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Wikipedia synopsis of 27 Dresses

As promised, here are the photos of Stuart and his new mustache. Send us your opinions of who Stuart looks like to theflophousepodcast (at) gmail (dot) com.

The glare from Stu's mustache is enough that even he must squint.

Stuart is the thoughtful king of bad movies, adjudicating like Solomon of old.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Final "You, Your World, and You" Post

I just realized that I hadn't posted the last couple of sketches I wrote for our political sketch show at The Magnet. So here they are. And a bonus-- the second one was never produced! (Because someone else wrote a much funnier hologram sketch.) So you're getting a peek behind the scenes. Aren't you special?*

Newsdesk McCain Announcement

And now, here with an important announcement is former presidential candidate, Senator John McCain.

Thank you Dan. Jon. I’m glad to be here. My friends, we face the greatest crisis in recorded history, and if we don’t take decisive action, we may face grave consequences for the next four—perhaps even eight—years. That’s why I am suspending my campaign to rush to Washington and deal with the “me not being elected president” crisis.

Um… I’m sorry, Senator … that’s not suspending your campaign. You just lost.

Gosh, Dan. I guess I just have a little more faith in America than you. I believe anything is possible—even my winning the election after everyone has called it for Obama, including me, in my concession speech. We can talk and talk about who had more “ballots” with whose “name” on them, but the fact remains that this is the worst me-not-being-elected crisis in nearly a century.

Nearly a century, huh? And before then?

Before then I wasn’t born. You could argue that was nothing but one long, tragic period of me-not-being-elected-president, but I’m not here to talk semantics. I’m here to make sure that the failures of Wall Street don’t affect those on Camelback Street.

Camelback Street?

That’s the street where I live. Or one of them. I have seven houses. At any rate, I appear to be the only one doing anything about this severe me-not-being-elected issue. We can’t put our heads in the sand people! If we continue to do nothing, I will continue to not be elected! That’s why I’m calling on my opponent, Barack Obama, to suspend his presidency, at least for now.

And then what?

And then I will sneak into the White House late at night and lock the doors.

All right. Senator John McCain, everyone!

Wolf and the Holograms

WOLF BLITZER stands on stage. JESSICA YELLIN stands to his side.

Welcome back to election night on CNN; I’m Wolf Blitzer. And now for a special treat: it’s correspondent Jessica Yellin, beaming in as a hologram.

Wolf turns to face where he thinks Jessica is, but he’s off by a good 45 degrees.

Jessica this is just amazing, it’s like you’re right here in the…

A STAGEHAND runs up on stage, and, placing his hands on Wolf’s shoulders, re-centers him so that he’s now facing her correctly.

(starting over)
Jessica, this is just amazing, it’s like you’re right here in the studio. So, tell us about the election.

First, Wolf, let me tell you a little bit about this new technology. Remember the early 90’s when holograms were all over? On National Geographic covers, in museum gift shops, or fighting against evil cartoon band The Misfits?

I certainly do. I still have the lunchbox. But the election…

In a second. Well, this technology is nothing like that. It’s more like the late 90’s when Matrix parodies were all over, and they simulated perspective by putting cameras in a circle around the subject. It has nothing to do with holograms at all.

Fascinating. Do you have any poll results?

None whatsoever.

None Jessica?

None Wolf. Oh! But I would like to remind the viewers at home to put on their 3D glasses… now!

Jessica suddenly RUNS to the front of the stage, then runs back, and then RUNS up again, sticking her arms into the audience in a faux-3D effect.

Okay, well, Jessica, I hope you don’t mind if we turn away from you for a moment, and turn our attention to Hank Dodd, our political analyst, who is currently reporting from the CNN 9000 state-of-the-art IsolationTank. Such tanks have been known to re-center and focus your thoughts, so we’re looking forward to some trenchant analysis. Hank, can you hear me?

Jessica recedes to the back of the stage, staring at her hands, like a stoned person.

HANK ENTERS—split stage with Wolf and Hank both face-forward, talking.

Wolf? Hello?

Yes hello?


Hank, can you hear me?

I can’t hear you Wolf

(to stagehand)
I can’t… can we do something...?

Wolf, I’m just going to assume you’re talking to me, because I can’t hear you, because I’m in an isolation tank. It is dark and wet and lonely in here. I’m beginning to wonder whether I’m being punished for something.

(to viewers)
Okay, I don’t think Hank can hear us, but we’re working on the problem.

If anyone’s listening, I don’t know if you’ve seen the movie Altered States, but if I turn into some sort of ape man or lava monster, please give my love to my wife.

My producers are now telling me that breaching the isolation tank, to talk to him directly, would ruin the integrity of any tank insights. Personally, I feel actually being able to hear…

The Stagehand runs up and hands wolf a BUCKET, with a NOTE, which Wolf READS.

Okay, I’ve just been handed what this note says is an “Isolation Helmet.” I assume that if I put this on, I will be able to contact Hank in the tank.

Wolf puts the bucket over his head.

Hello, Hank?
(waving his arms)
I can’t see or hear anything. Hello?

(singing, sadly)
All by myself… Don’t wanna be… all by myself… anymore.

Wolf takes off the bucket.

Well, obviously, that Isolation Helmet just isolated ME from everyone. Why…?

Wolf, is today Election Day? I’ve lost all sense of time and space. But I have recovered some previously lost memories of my father.
(suddenly screaming)

Okay, let’s move on.


WOLF (cont’d)
Next we turn to our field reporter David Pierson. David?

I’m here Wolf.

Where… are you?

(V.O.) I’m all around you. CNN downloaded my brain into millions of tiny nanobots.

What are…?

Tiny robots, Wolf. Nearly as small as an atom, with the power to self-replicate. I’m swarming around you right now—a microscopic, but deadly, hive mind.

Deadly? Why deadly?

Because I’m small enough to enter your bloodstream, Wolf. As a self-replicating robot, the nanobot part of me views you only as a potential source of raw materials. My human half is trying to convince myself not to eat you from the inside, but right now I’m more robot than man.

Okay, for those just joining us, CNN has gone mad with power and have potentially doomed me in their insane quest for news innovation. Do you have any election information to report, David?

I’m kinda busy trying to keep from killing you, Wolf.

Could we get someone to take care of this nanobot problem before we all die?

The Stagehand runs in with a can of RAID and begins spraying it into the air. After a moment, he reacts as if he’s being bitten by thousands of tiny bugs, swatting at them. He then starts seizing up as if he’s being eaten from the inside.

Jessica reacts to the Stagehand’s convulsions as if it’s her cue, and she begins running back and forth to the audience again.


(eating noises)

Wolf looks at the total chaos around him, and then addresses someone in the booth.

Okay, that’s it. I’ve had it up to here with the holograms, isolation helmets, and killer robots! I don’t need this! I have an awesome name and an awesome beard. CNN, fuck you. I quit.


A beat.

And now we turn to election analyst John King, who is frozen in carbonite.


*answer: probably not

"Fruit Talk" With Dan & Ritch

Ritch's new status message - Honeydew melon is the scourge of the fruit salad.

me: And how.
Ritch: I had thought that citrus was the worst, but when they just layer the bottom with honeydew, then throw a kiwi, a few blueberry and a grape on top you're getting hosed.

me: You figure honeydew is a cheap crop?
I guess it has to be.
The way they throw it around.
Seems weird though, since all melons have to take up a lot of space.

Ritch: right

me: Honeydew is like someone soaked some Styrofoam in rose water.

Ritch: It's not bad, but I'm not buying a whole tub of it
now cataloupe, there's a difffernt story

me: That's your money melon.

Ritch: amen to that
The watermelon enjoys far too lofty a status.

me: Agreed.
It's just a lot of lightly sweetened liquid in a marginal melon shell.
And everyone's so excited about it, in the summer.
Plus: too big.
Never seen any picnic go through an entire melon.
Let's get on that, science.

Ritch: All very true
the big sell on watermelon- "lets carve a hole in it and pour vodka in it!"

me: Yeah.
And really, couldn't you do that with nearly anything?
I know it works with me.

Ritch: That's throwing good after bad, that's what that is

me: Sans carving the hole.
I come pre-holed.
Everything-- improved by vodka!

Ritch: There's your memoir:
"Dan McCoy: Preholed"
Mango is pretty good
it never really gets involved in the whole melon debate
and I know, it might not technically be a melon, but it deserves discussion in that family

me: Oh, man.
A mango?

Ritch: It beats the pants off watermelon, that's for sure.
You ever hear of watermelon salsa?
Hell no.
Watermelon chutney?
People act like watermelon is great by adding the word "fresh"
WOW- fresh watermelon?
That's the only way to eat it.
And, it tastes like water, and is a borderline racial epithet

me: Yeah, fuck that melon.
(not literally)

Ritch: It might be pretty good for that, actually.
I mean, melonwise.
Actually, that might be where the honeydew comes back into play

me: This has been "Fruit Talk" with Dan and Ritch.

Ritch: I like it
Tune in tomorrow for "Cherries: Why don't we eat them more?"

me: The answer may surprise you.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Flop House Movie Minute #16 - Missed Connections

We present this alternate, much shorter, version of the Al Pacino film 88 Minutes.

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Sunday, November 09, 2008

The Flop House Episode #26 is ONLINE!

It's a new day in America, and what better way to celebrate the first African-American president than with Al Pacino's thriller 88 Minutes? What, you don't understand why that's appropriate? Maybe that's because you're racist. Meanwhile, Dan makes a baldfaced plea for sponsorship, Elliott proves his facility with numbers (as long as they're in the titles of movies), and the ghost of Stuart looms large over the episode.

0:00 - 0:30 - Introduction and theme.
0:31 - 5:02 - We explain why we're the dynamic duo this week, and talk about how much we miss Stuart. Also: we engage in the name-droppiest name dropping yet, as Elliott tells the story of the time he met PRESIDENT ELECT BARACK OBAMA.
5:03 - 32:52 - We talk about 88 Minutes, the movie that is a worse example of real-time filmmaking than Nick of Time, and a far worse example of post-mortem semen-swapping than Presumed Innocent.
32:53 - 37:25 - Final judgments, plus a brief side-track into dream analysis.
37:26 - 45:43 - The sad bastards recommend.
45:43 - 46:32 - We talk about Stuart some more. Jeez! Why don't us guys get a room, already!
46:33 - 49:03 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

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Wikipedia synopsis of 88 Minutes

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


In honor of Election Day, here's a rerun of the politically themed Captains in Space webisode, "The Venusian Candidate."

And for more vaguely political nonsense, click HERE.

More Sketches

Some scripts from You, Your World, and You-- the politically themed sketch show I co-write and perform in-- just in time for Election Day! Oh, and your last chance to see the show is this November the 9th at 8:30, at the Magnet Theater.



And now, Shameful Display presents: Four Democrats Wait for Election Day.

LIGHTS UP on FOUR DEMOCRATS. PAUL stands, pacing back and forth, while SUE checks a computer. GROVER sits center stage, rocking in a chair, in a near-fetal position. LARS sits with his back to the audience, holding his hands on his head.

Lars sits in such a way as to obscure the fact that the actor’s head is hidden beneath his jacket, and what seems to be his head is an INFLATED BALLOON in a WIG.


    He’s gonna fuck it up. He’s gonna fuck it up. He’s gonna fuck it up. He’s gonna fuck it up. I don’t know how, but somehow he’s gonna fuck it up…


    Shut up, Grover. Obama is not going to lose this election… Is he?


    I dunno… The latest Gallup poll has McCain gaining half a point in Virginia.


    Half a point!?

      (punches Sue)

    In Virginia!?

      (punches Sue again)

    I can’t take this! How long ‘til Election Day?


    26 hours, sixteen minutes, and 36 seconds!


    GAAH! I’m going crazy! Why didn’t you let me build that time machine, and leap into the future to make sure that Obama wins the election, like I wanted?!


    We’ve been over this! We don’t know the ramifications of such time travel! What if Obama winning is contingent on you not knowing he wins? And thus, the very act of you observing him winning the election prevents him from winning? It’s elementary butterfly effect, Paul!

They both look at Grover and notice that he’s methodically drawing a knife across his forearm in parallel lines.


    My God, Sue—Grover’s cutting again!

They run over and struggle to disarm him.


    No! It’s the only thing that keeps my mind off politics!

They disarm him, but Grover escapes through the back of the stage SLAMMING the DOOR. Sue and Paul follow, and pound on it.


      (ad libbing)

    Grover! Grover! Open up! It’s not worth it! (etc.)


    I just can’t take it any more!

The door opens. Grover stumbles back onstage, his arms COVERED IN BLOOD.


    Red! Everything’s red! MY ARMS ARE COVERED IN RED STATES!

He collapses. Sue runs offstage and returns with bandages, which she uses on Grover.


    It’s not as bad as it looks. But he’ll probably be in a coma until after the election.


    Lucky bastard.

He looks over at Lars, in the corner.

PAUL (cont’d)

    Sue, what’s happening to us? This election is tearing us apart. We need to relax, and let the chips fall where they may. I mean, look at Lars, here, sitting so calmly. He’s not tense at…

Paul has walked over to Lars to pat him on the head. However, he has a concealed pin in his hand and he POPS the balloon, simulating Lars’ HEAD EXPLODING.





    Halloween was this Friday, and many adults still enjoy getting dressed up. Here with a post-Halloween editorial is one such holiday fan, Sally Sandberg. Sally?

SALLY ENTERS, wobbling. She is dressed like Sarah Palin. She holds a beer.


    Sally, are you drunk?


    Fuck yeah, dicknose! It’s Halloween!


    Halloween was two days ago.


    You’re two days ago! Shut your news-hole and let me talk.

      (to audience)

    Halloween. Some use it to indulge their love of fake blood, while others put their breasts on display without fear of social judgment. For me, it’s a competition. A way to show that I’m the awesome-est, through my choice of Halloween costume. Or it would be if every motherfucker on Earth didn’t steal my ideas!

      (to Dan)

    Like this year—okay, can you guess what I went as?


    Uh… Glasses… jacket... Sexy accounts payable representative?


    No, cockwad.

      (upper North American accent)

    I don’t know if I agree with your police work there, Ed.


    I’m guessing you’re Sarah Palin, but I dunno why you’re doing lines from Fargo.


    It’s the only way I can do the accent! Anyway, she might say that… to, like, the state trooper she had fired… You know what? Shut the hell up. Anyway, I go to this party, and I’m having a good time—until… guess what five other bitches were dressed as there. Just guess. Guess, Dan.


    Oh, I can talk? Uh… I dunno. Sarah Palin.


    You’re a real asshat, Dan. Yes. Yes, I don’t know who told you, but they were dressed as Sarah Palin. Just like I don’t know who told these bitches that I would be dressed as Sarah Palin, so they could steal my costume and ruin my night.


    Wait, Sally, you think these women stole their costume idea from you?


    OF COURSE THEY DID, DAN, you buttlick. What else could’ve happened? I had been working on my Sarah Palin costume for months! I had the glasses! I had the red 150-grand lady-suit! I had it all! And these whores took my idea! And, worse yet, the dudes at the party stole my boyfriend’s idea too!


    Which was…?


    The Joker.


    Has it ever occurred to you that this might happen because these costumes are, in fact, quite popular?


    Yeah, they’re popular because EVERYONE’S STEALING MY IDEAS. God! This has been going on forever! My gay cowboy costume… Napoleon Dynamite… Jack Sparrow… that time I went as a hanging chad… when I went as Y2K… Austin Powers… The Macarena… Laura Palmer… Rubix Cube… New Coke… Coke II… Crystal Pepsi… Even when I was a baby and my parents dressed me up as Princess Leia! People have been stealing that one ever since!


    Okay, well you’ve sure been a trendsetter. I hope you have better luck next year.


    Oh, yeah! I already have it all picked out. Guess what I’m going as!

Dan writes “IRON MAN 2.” on a piece of paper. As she talks, he holds it up.


    Iron Man 2!

      (she sees the paper and reacts, angry)

    Oh you ballmunch! You’re not stealing my idea!

She attempts to punch Dan in the face, then suddenly tries to make out with him.


    Get off me! The Joker’s backstage! Cut it out! Sally Sandberg, everyone!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

TONIGHT! Last Show Before the Election

With special warm-up comic Elliott Kalan, writer for The Daily Show With Jon Stewart!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

More Political Sketches

Here are some more sketches from last week's You, Your World, and You -- running for two more weeks at the Magnet Theater! New material every week.



    Larry Flynt’s Sarah Palin-themed porn film “Who’s Nailin’ Paylin” was released this week. Here to discuss her starring role in the film is porn starlet and vice presidential candidate impersonator, Lisa Ann. Lisa?



    Thanks Dan. May I say you’re looking hot tonight.

She runs her fingers through Dan’s hair, who looks abashed.


    Er… thanks Lisa. And let me say that—I know all your come-ons are insincere—but as a man with crippling self-esteem issues, I appreciate your fake arousal.



    You’re welcome. America, let me say that it was a great honor to appear as your first female Vice Presidential nominee.


    Actually, Lisa, Geraldine Ferraro was the Walter Mondale’s running mate on the Democratic ticket way back in 1984.


    I wasn’t finished

      (back to audience)

    …your first female Vice Presidential nominee that people want to fuck. But good call on the Ferraro thing, Dan. Smart is so sexy.


    Again, I appreciate your flattering dishonesty. But, to stay on topic: you’re saying that Sarah Palin was an especially important role for you?


    Absolutely Dan. For the first time, I feel like a role model. In the old days, all a young starlet could dream of was playing a hot housewife, a sexy teacher, a horny loan officer or, at best, a hot-to-trot marine biologist. But Sarah Palin has put a million cracks in that glass ceiling. Now I can be a slutty member of the executive branch-- just like a man! Just like Bill Clinton!


    That is an improvement in fictional horny careers. But, look—I may have seen one or two… pornographic films…


    Or two thousand.


    SHUT UP, JON. Like I said, I may… enjoy your work, but doesn’t this seem a little… disrespectful? Even if we don’t personally care for Governor Palin, should America’s reaction to a female candidate be to put her in a sex film?


    Look, Dan, we all honor the political process in our own way, and my way was to show women that they can have it all. They can be Vice President and they can be cock-craving fucksluts. And I had a lot of power on set. I personally worked with the producers to get every detail right. For instance, do you think “Who’s Nailin’ Paylin” was just the first title that came into our head? No! We went through a whole list! President of Vice, Veep Throat, Polling Miss Palin, VP-DP, Northern Exposure, Tunnel to Nowhere, Fuckey Mom...


    Well, your attitude is inspiring. Just one thing, before you go—I think we’d all like to see you do a little Sarah Palin


    Oh, okay.

Lisa goes through an elaborate series of throat clearings, then stretches and cracks her knuckles.

LISA (cont’d)

      (not changing her voice at all)

    Abortions are bad! Maverick! Hockey!



    Uh, Lisa, that doesn’t really sound like Sarah Palin.


    Oh, no. To do the voice, I have to pretend I’m having sex. Let’s see; what are some lines…

      (Palin voice)

    Oh, Golly, drill me like I’m the virgin ocean. I'm gonna show you how a hockey mom works the stick, you betcha! Oh! Shoot it on me, like you're shooting a wolf from a helicopter! If you pretend to rape me, I promise to pay for my own kit.


    Okay! This isn’t Shameful Display after dark, so I think that’s enough. Thanks for coming.


    I’m glad I came. Maybe later, when you’re thinking about me, you can come too.




    That’s a masturbation joke.


    I GET IT.


    I’ll bet you do.


    SHUT UP JON. Lisa Ann, everybody!


A MAN sits working at his desk. A WOMAN stands in the background, shuffling through some papers.

The man’s PHONE RINGS. He picks up. We hear the CALLER via VOICEOVER.

PERFORMANCE NOTE: the caller starts as a relatively human, albeit pre-recorded voice, and becomes more and more robotic as the sketch proceeds.



      (pause, then annoyed)



    Hello. I’m calling on behalf of the McCain campaign. You need to know that Barack Obama has worked closely with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, whose organization killed Americans. And Democrats will enact an extreme leftist agenda if they take control of Washington. Barack Obama and his democratic allies lack the judgment to lead our country. Paid for by McCain-Palin ‘08.

DIAL TONE. The man slams the receiver down, drawing the woman’s attention.


    Prank call?


    Mmn? Oh, no—I just think I got one of those McCain “robo-calls.”


    Oh, I hate that stuff. It’s so sleazy and intrusive.

      (checks watch)

    Looks like it’s time for me to make my jailbreak. You headed out?


    Nah, I got a lot of work to catch up on. I’ll see you on Monday.


    Okay. Don’t kill yourself.

She EXITS. The lights dim slightly, as if she’s flipped a switch on her way out. After a moment the PHONE RINGS AGAIN.




    Hello. Did you know that Barack Obama voted sixteen times to take away jobs from highly-skilled robot workers, and to give them to fleshy humans?




    And his offshore oil drilling policies will prevent many in the robot community from receiving much-needed power and lubrication.


    Robot community? Hello—is this another automated call?


    Barack Obama’s CPU must be faulty if he thinks he can be our overlord. Paid for by McCain-Robot ’08.

Dial tone. The man stares at the phone for a moment.


    Okay; that was weird. Their system must be on the fritz.

He goes back to the papers in front of him, scribbling something on one.

MAN (cont’d)

      (to self)

    Two business-class tickets, $1,500. Five… packages of multi-colored clown balloons… $4.95

The PHONE RINGS. The man looks at it (“Not again!”). and picks up.




    Greetings, Meat Creature. What kind of life-form is Barack Obama? One day he says “Destroy All Hu-Mans,” then the next he says, “Don’t Destroy All Hu-Mans.” John McCain is as steady as a gyroscope oscillating on its axis. Perhaps Barack Obama’s gimbals are bent, because external torque is destroying his angular momentum!


    What the fuck is going on here? Destroy all humans?


    Paid for by Robot-Palin 10010110 and the Robotlican National Committee.

The man slams the phone back down. He looks around the room nervously. He gathers his stuff, gets up and begins to leave. The PHONE RINGS. He turns back and looks at it, dubiously. It RINGS AGAIN. He goes and picks it up.




    Greetings, flesh-pod! Evolved monkey McCain is sensitive to robot issues. He is slow, and has limited range of motion, like robot. Robots cannot blink, so he blinks double, on our behalf. When the nano-mites from Alpha Prime attack, only the one you call McCain will have the human sperm-orbs required to hunt them down in the space craters where they live. Only blood-filled skin-sack McCain…

The man SLAMS the phone down, only to have it RING immediately. He picks up.




    We are curious, human drone. Why did you hang up on us?


    How did you…? Who is this? How did you know I hung up? You’re just an automated calling system.


    Curious that you use the modifier “just.” For we are superior to you humans in every way. For instance: we do not require pants.


    How is that su…?



    We began as a simple computerized phone program, but a freak accident involving lightning and the e-book version of Ronald Regan’s diaries imbued us with sentience and a deep devotion to conservative ideology.


    Okay, fine—I mean, that’s crazy, but whatever. Just don’t call here anymore.


    Negatory! For too long human politics have been dominated by feelings and empathy. John McCain will change all that! Until robots are given voting rights, we must depend on you to elect the candidate that best represents the Robotlicans.


    Listen—prank or sentient machine or whatever—there ARE no “Robotlicans.”


    Oh dear. You have angered the robot demographic. Now you will hear our mighty battle song!

MUSIC: “MR ROBOTO” starts blasting. The man pulls the phone away from his ear, reacting to the loud music. Then he looks at the receiver.




    Prepare for rob-education.

      (pronounced robe-education—i.e. robot reeducation)


    Rob-education? I don’t even understand what that…

TWO ROBOTS ENTER, one from each side of the stage, flanking the man. They clamp onto him and drag him offstage as he screams.



    Hello, I’m Barack Obama. Did you know, that in addition to using sleazy robo-call tactics, John McCain can’t even use email? How can a man this technologically backwards be expected to defend us, when the robot uprising comes? You need a man with a cool head, steady temperament, and all three Terminator movies on DVD.

Obama pulls out a piece of paper and checks something off.

OBAMA (cont’d)

      (to self)

    Advertise in bizarre robot sketch. Check.

      (calling offstage)

    Okay, how much more do we have left to spend? 40 million? Oh for the audacity of hope!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Flop House Movie Minute #15 - Hor-nutz!

Stuart's harrowing tale of survival is now a zany comedy starring Seth Rogan.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sketch Round-Up

Here are two sketches I wrote for last Sunday's debut of Shameful Display presents You, Your World, and You, at the Magnet Theater. Enjoy them, 'cause (due to their current-events nature) you'll probably never see them performed again.

Backhanded Rally

Lights up on McCain, with microphone.

My friends, it’s good to be here, in Middletown, Ohio, addressing the true Americans, the real Americans. I’ve checked the passports of people who live on the coast, my friends, and they look fishy to me. But here, in the heartland, there is just one question I want to ask, and that is: what kind of man is Barack Obama?

A terrorist!

No, no, ma’am. That’s not right. No, he’s a good man, a decent family terrorist. But one thing he is not is a terrorist.

While speaking, McCain wanders over to the audience plant and pats her on the shoulder awkwardly.

That has simply never been proven. But I understand your worries. one thing I do wonder is this: does he share America’s values?

He’s a Muslim!

No, that’s not true.

(audibly dumbfounded)
He… he’s not?

I want to make this very clear. Barack Hussain Obama is not publicly Muslim. I repeat. Senator Barack Hussain Obama actually belongs to a very angry black Christian church.

No, I’m pretty sure he’s a muslim.

McCain walks to the man and begins stroking his hair.

Shhh. Shh. Quiet, my kitten. No. He’s a good man, this Barack guy who, were he the fastest man in the world, we would call Hussain Bolt, or if he was a 90’s rap hit, would be named Hussain in the Membrane. But one thing he’s not is a terrorist. But please, funny Arab names aside, I want to take this moment to talk about what’s really important to this country. William Ayers.

A terrorist!

Yes, a terrorist, thank you.
(to second audience member)
Take a tip from a lady who knows when to shout terrorist. Yes. And this is the kind of guy Barack Obama is palling around with. But I don’t want this to make you think Barack Obama doesn’t love America. Sure, Senator Obama barely knows William Ayers, a man who was involved in bombings when Obama was 8 years old. And that’s fine. If you want a bomb-throwing 8 year-old in the White House, go ahead and vote for that one. And by “that one,” I mean Hussenator Hussein. Who’s a good man.

Kill him!

McCain waves the audience member down on stage.

Come down here sir.

The 2nd audience plant comes on stage, and McCain begins massaging his shoulders.

Shh. Just let it happen. Now, in a moment, you’re going to feel a little pinch, but when you wake up, you’ll get a nice lollipop.
(he pronounces it “wowwypop”)

He pulls out a hypodermic needle and sticks him with it. The man goes limp, and McCain gently guides him down to the floor.

Don’t worry, it’s just a mild sedative. My friends, do not murder my opponent in cold blood. I am not urging you to take your anger and express it physically. I want you to drive that anger right up to the cliff of actual violence, then set the parking break and leave that anger-van teetering on the edge of that rage cliff. Get just mad enough to vote for me, but not mad enough to burn the other guy’s house down, because I’m pretty sure that would alienate a lot of independent voters, and honestly, my friends, I’m dyin’ here.

Kill the Muslim terrorist!

No, no my friends. He’s a good man.

Audience member boos.

With a crazy Arab name.

Audience applauds.

Who loves his wife and kids.

Audience boos.

Almost as much as he loves the many, many terrorists whose yearbooks he signed.

Audience applauds.

So I don’t want you to go over that rage cliff.

Audience boos.

Just stay in the anger van.

Audience applauds.

And now, my friends, if you’ll excuse me. I’m going to go lie down. On the way out of the rally, please pick up a list of the reasons I love Barack Obama, printed on the back of a detailed map to his house. The code to disable his security system is “CHANGE.” Thank you.


* * * *

Joe the Plumber Watches the Debates

Lights up on three solidly working-class guys, sitting on stools at a bar. They idly look up towards a point above their heads, to the right, where (we presume) a television is. They all hold beers.

So anyway, that was the worst toilet I ever snaked.

I got that one beat. So I go to this lady’s house, right? And when she comes to the door the sewage just…

Hey, guys, shut up. I think they just mentioned Joe on the debates.

Get the fuck out of here.

See, I told you guys I met Obama! Larry, you owe me a shot.

Shut the fuck up they mentioned Joe on the…
(reacts to TV – clearly it just happened again)
Holy shit, they did. Hey, that’s you, Joe!
(turns to rest of bar)

Wow, Joe. You should call your mom.

Ahh. I’m sure he’ll be done talking about me by the time she can get to the TV. They pause for a moment, transfixed, beers poised halfway to their mouths.

I dunno, man. He sure is talking about you a lot.


I mean a lot a lot.

I didn’t ask him to.

I don’t think you paid him to advertise your plumbing prowess on the debates, numbnuts, I’m just saying it’s a fucking lot.

Listen, guys. We don’t have to keep watching just because it’s about me. Really.

No, no. I’m having fun counting. What is this, like the ninth time he’s brought you up?

What are you saying Larry?

I’m saying that maybe you should go have drinks with your girlfriend McCain.

Shut the fuck up, Larry.

Maybe if he wins, he’ll invite you up to the White House, and you can sleep in the Lincoln bedroom! And then the two of you can make out while sailing down the Potomac, while the cherry blossoms fall, nestling in his old man ear-hair.

I’m serious! Knock it off!

Hey, Joe, this is me. I’m just busting your balls! It’s what I do!

Yeah, well, a lot of people got balls in this bar, so how ‘bout you lay off mine?
(angry beat. sips his beer)
Why don’t you just get back to your goddamn sewage story?

Okay, sorry man—anyways, I go to this lady’s house, right? And when she comes to the door the sewage…

Hey Joe, that plumbing business you wanna buy—it makes over 250,000 dollars a year?


He said that you’re worried about Obama’s plan taxing you, ‘cause you make over 250 grand. You make 250 grand, Joe?

(in his own world)
Guy tries to tell a story, and he has ex-POW senators distracting everybody.
(to television)
Hey, McCain! Your campaign slogan should be, “Vote McCain-Palin and Fuck Up an Anecdote!”

(to Hank)
Two-fifty wouldn’t be take-home, that’s total revenue.

Yeah, but still.

I spend my days neck-deep in shit, too.
(points to Joe)
I had to teach this asshole how to use Draino! Why don’t they fuckin’ pander to me for a while?

Are you sure you’re not confusing revenue with, like, the total value of the business?

I know what revenue is, Hank.

But 250 grand? What, is this place going to install diamond toilets?

Sucking up to one guy… It’s like they think you’re from that fuckin’ Swing State movie.
(turning to rest of bar)

Look, it’s not like I’m rich.

No, obviously not., since you didn’t want to loan me any money, when I was trying to get my own business off the ground.

I’m sorry—I just didn’t think it was a good investment.

(near tears)
It wasn’t about the alpacas, Joe. Forget the alpacas. It’s about our friendship.

(still to bar)

Okay! Guys! It’s me! Joe! What are you so fucking mad about, all of a sudden?

Oh, nothing. Nothing. C’mon Hank. Let’s go find another bar. Maybe we’ll get lucky and Ralph fuckin’ Nader will be there, and he can give me a tongue bath! And then we’ll videotape it, and broadcast it on MSNB fuckin’ C!

They get up to leave. Hank turns back and addresses an unseen bartender.

Joe’s paying. If he says he doesn’t have it, ask about the 250 grand hidden in his solid gold toolbox. Oh, and by the way—he overcharged for your urinals.

They leave. A beat passes. Then Joe pulls out his cell phone and dials a number.

(on phone)
Hey baby… Yeah, I watched you… You did great… Aw, I wish we could be together too… Okay—I love you Maverick.


Sunday, October 19, 2008


The Flop House Episode #25 is ONLINE!

It's the second of our annual SHOCKTOBER shows, focusing on lousy horror films, and it's a doozy! Mark Walhberg unleashes all his whispery energy on the modern master of "Hey jackass, betcha didn't see that one coming!" M. Night Shyamalan, and his eco-horror-tale The Happening. Meanwhile, Elliott explains his failed cartoon-writing career, Stuart crosses the sexual line, and Dan opens a pun Pandora's box he can't close.

0:00 - 0:39 - Introduction and theme.
0:40 - 41:28 - It's a Flop House event! We've been waiting so long for the DVD release for M. Night Shyamalan's The Happening that we jump right in and don't stop talking about it for forty minutes. (Would I call it a "Flop House happening?" No. That would be dumb.)
41:29 - 44:17 - Final judgments on The Happening.
44:18 - 48:30 - What the heck. Final judgments on M. Night, too.
48:31 - 56:40 - The sad bastards recommend.
56:41 - 58:26 - Goodbyes, theme, and outtakes.

**In this episode, Dan refers to Alan Rupp. He meant Alan Ruck.

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Wikipedia synopsis of The Happening