Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Flop House Episode Forty-Six is ONLINE!

How can an erotic thriller with horrible racial politics, starring Beyoncé Knowles, be what founding Flop House co-host Simon Fisher would call "a real snore factory?" Who knows, but somehow they managed it. Meanwhile, Stuart reveals a surprising fact about sex in public bathrooms, Elliott explains how Beyoncé is like a Looney Tunes character, and Dan decries the film's no-fault attitude to the sexual assault of Idris Elba.

0:00 - 0:33 - Introduction and theme
0:34 - 4:14- We engage in a hilarious bit about how everyone spent last weekend.
4:15 - 28:26- Race-baiting mixed with Fatal Attraction seems like a recipe for trashy film fun. And yet, count the times that Dan sighs wearily, while discussing Obsessed.
28:27 - 30:30- Final judgments
30:31 - 34:30 - Movie Mailbag
34:31 - 39:24 - Inspired by the final letter, we segue directly into a special older "bad movie" edition of sad bastards recommend.
39:25 - 43:37 - Which, in turn, devolves into a discussion of T&A comedies.
43:38 - 46:15 - A plug from Elliott, goodbyes, theme and outtakes.

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Wikipedia synopsis of Obsessed

Here's that Flop House contest entry. Get yours in before the end of October!

And here's the info for Elliott's next movie screening.

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